

We are helpful for you with our heartful hospitality We offer special service for everyone through stay,meal,hotsprings.
We make special service for each with each local people from Hokkaido to Kyusyu.

  1. 1.We always challanging for beyond image of hotels.

    We always challanging for beyond image of hotels.

    We effort make your smile from your opinion with regional characteristics.

    • ・Bald set
    • ・Bald water,Bald glass
    • ・Discount for bald customers
  2. 2.We are planning for unique each region.

    We are planning and doing that being aware of our guests needs.
    We are doing that helpful for business at budget hotel,and in resort hotel,we are doing that guest to be more smile.

  3. 3.Concierge for touching banquet


    We would like to helpful for you at your stay and banquet also. There is smile,touching,surprising,we thinking together with you about surprising.
    We offer you meal and drink,and also we would like to give you surprise and heartwarming at banquet.

  4. 4.Our heartful hospitality for customers all over the world.

    Our heartful hospitality for customers all over the world.

    Our concierge guide you when you visit unfamiliar place with your friends. For example,reservation for restaurant,
    We available for english,chinese,korean,vietnamese.

  5. 5.おもてなし規格認証2018 紅認証を取得

    おもてなし規格認証2018 紅認証を取得

    ホテルテトラグループは、おもてなし規格認証2018 紅認証を取得いたしました。おもてなし規格認証は、一般社団法人 サービスデザイン推進協議会が認証し、サービス品質を「見える化」することで、サービス事業者の方々の支援を通じて地域経済の活性化をはかるために産まれた規格認証制度です。


Best rate guarantee The least expensive price in this web site.